How to Answer Interview Questions About Working From Home

The most important trait is eagerness – which is often shown by demonstrating an understanding in what we do. The majority of people we hire have actually interacted with us already as a customer in some capacity. Shyness and lack of confidence are negative traits as remote work requires more consistent results. If you’re the type of person who can speak eloquently off the cuff, then consider yourself prepared.

  • Plus, you don’t have colleagues sitting all around you to serve as positive peer pressure to keep working or to provide a sense of camaraderie that keeps you going.
  • Does your employer require a nine-to-five schedule, or is there flexibility?

These remote workers juggle inbound and outbound calls and help customers with orders or account information and require good communication and people skills. How much interpersonal interaction do you need to feel connected and included at work? Even if you’re highly introverted and don’t like socializing, give a few interactive experiences a try, whether it’s an online happy hour or a book club, so that you’re familiar with them if you ever decide you want them. If your workplace doesn’t have a strong remote culture, you may need to be more proactive about nurturing relationships. That said, one of the best benefits of remote work is flexibility when the job allows for it. Sometimes you need to extend your day or start early to accommodate someone else’s time zone.

What exactly is a remote job?

Someone who is accustomed to having a huge part of their social life come from work can raise a red flag. We lean towards candidates who love to travel, value having a flexible lifestyle, or have worked remotely in the past. These types of candidates are often strong culture fits and successful at The Cheat Sheet.

How to answer the question why do you want to work remotely?

  1. Reducing workplace distractions.
  2. Eliminating your daily commute.
  3. Reducing your environmental impact.
  4. A more flexible schedule.
  5. More time for your personal life and family.
  6. Desire to move to a new location.
  7. Having young kids at home.
  8. Caring for an ill family member.

For those accustomed to social interactions within a colocated work setting, it can be jarring to move into a remote environment where you primarily work alone. GitLab’s 100% remote culture and our workplace methodologies are highly unique. You should not expect to transfer the norms of colocated corporations into a work from anywhere scenario. Those who thrive at GitLab take the opportunity to drop prior workplace Role Of A DevOps Engineer DevOps Job Roles And Responsibilities baggage at the door, embrace a liberating and empowering set of values, and give themselves permission to truly operate differently. Whether you’re new to working remotely or have been doing it for a long time, don’t be afraid to ask co-workers for advice. Additionally, let the recruiter know how much of your time — in hours or as a percentage of your time — was spent working from home or on the road.

Link to this headingCareer progression challenges

Their primary use is within small companies for payroll and human resource management. Suggest one to your manager if you’re not yet using something like this but can see its benefits. The project management platform you’re already working with should have a section or menu button called “Files” or “Attachments,” where you can find all docs and files that have ever been used in your virtual workspace. Or you may opt for file management solutions like Google Drive or One Drive. Now that you know the main benefits of remote working, the next chapter will focus on its challenges. As long as you work in-office, you are not self-managing your time and “skills,” but while working remotely, you are somehow forced to be your own manager.

  • Learn about the key differences between remote-first and remotely-friendly companies.
  • When childcare is not available, working parents can benefit from increased flexibility in the workplace.
  • One must be intentional about designing informal communication when it cannot happen organically in an office.
  • Therefore, we admire people who explore our website, follow us on social media, and can quote some of our services or products during an interview.
  • A supportive community does exist, whether you find them in your organization’s Slack channel or online through blogs or Twitter.
  • Maximizing Virtual Impressions for Remote Job Interviews To excel in remote job interviews, it’s essential to prepare for a virtual setting by ensuring proper lighting and sound quality.

One of the biggest is a candidate has to have worked remotely before, preferably for at least 2 years. If someone has thrived in that environment before, that’s a good sign they can join TaxJar and contribute right away. Also, a majority of our team members have operated their own successful businesses before.